
DIH 2.0

DIH 2.0 -hankkeissa rakennetaan paikallista digitaalista innovaatiokeskittymää kahden erillisen hankkeen voimin Etelä-Karjalan ja Päijät-Hämeen alueilla. Keskittymä rakentuu olemassa olevien opiskelija- ja yritys- ja palveluverkostojen rinnalle tarjoten aitoon vuorovaikutukseen perustuvan yhteiskehittämisen ekosysteemin.

About DIH

Digital Innovation Hub is a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund and managed by LAB University of Applied Sciences, which aims to help SMEs overcome any digital concerns.

The project brings together the challenges experienced by SMEs in leveraging digitalisation in business, and provides solutions to them. We combine applied research on the subject, as well as the everyday concerns of entrepreneurs with the solutions on the market. Based on this, we offer e.g. guides, best practices, speaker sessions and roadmaps for implementing different solutions and tackling digital concerns. 

DIH operates on the principle of the lowest possible threshold. We can be contacted for any digital problem. We strive to provide solutions that do not require a degree in nuclear physics or an astronaut, but are usable in common sense.

We will map the concerns of entrepreneurs in the field of digitalisation. Based on the themes raised in our surveys, we produce guides, roadmaps and other low-threshold tools to make an entrepreneur’s everyday life just a little bit easier. 

Our main content is in Finnish, but English-speaking companies are also welcome to reach out for a chat. You can also join our digital network in Facebook Digiverkosto, and get help and guidance there.

Jaani Väisänen
Project manager
+358 40 687 6850

Pasi Juvonen
Director, RDI at LAB University of Applied Sciences
+358 40 5857772